The United Church
of Canada
St. John’s Wiarton
This past year, St. John’s celebrated it’s 130th Anniversary. It’s founders choose to build the church inthe flats of Wiarton, where the common folk lived, worked, and did commerce. With this heritage, its Main Street location, and our United Church ethos, St. John’s in many ways has become Wiarton’s Community Church. During the week, it’s space is used by many outside organizations. And on special occasions it is where community gathers. St. John’s sees this as part of its ministry.
Wiarton is rich with many churches (usually more than 10 faith groups). St. John’s understands that we all part of the Body of Christ, and sees ecumenical and inter-church as part of it’s ministry. The result is that we do ministry together, have earned each others trust, and St. John’s is used for most inter-church events.
Sunday Morning Worship is at the core of who we are, gathering to pray, praise, and discover God’s word individually and as a congregation. We are blessed with many talented musicians, a pipe organ, and a grand piano. In the past we have done outreach by responding to the needs that present themselves as well as Mission and Service. While we intend to continue to do so, we are also in the process in looking at a strategic long range outreach plan/project.
Overall, membership and financially, St. John’s is stable. But as with all our congregations, the future is not guaranteed. Sunday School has all but disappeared. Members are getting older. And the times they are a changing. It is why St. John’s cherishes its partnership with Shallow Lake United Church, and the Bruce Peninsula United Church Cluster. We ask for your continued prayer and support, even as we do the same.